Installer Guide for IT Admins

Cathryne Hamsher
Cathryne Hamsher
  • Updated


This guide is for the installation and first-time use guide for Merlyn Display software on your display.
Steps 1 – 4: Should be completed by the district IT admin.
Steps 5 – 9: Can be completed by the admin or the teacher. 

Follow the steps below to install Merlyn Display for teacher use.
Once complete, teachers will be ready to use Merlyn!

1_56x56.png Sign the Merlyn Mind Customer Terms
2_56x56.png Adding our allow list to your network
3_56x56.png Accessing the Management Portal
4_56x56.png Activating License Keys
5_56x56.png Physical installation of USB Receiver
6_56x56.png Preparation of the remote
7_56x56.png Updating the panel software
8_56x56.png Downloading the Merlyn Display software
9_56x56.png Registration of the panel

Sign the Merlyn Mind Customer Terms

Claim Org Callout.png

Who can sign?

The Merlyn Mind Customer Terms must be signed for your organization by an authorized signer before setup can proceed.

If the terms were signed during the sales process, the installation admin will not be presented with a contract to sign. If you have a question regarding your contract status, please submit a support request.

Sign Now


Select the Organization to Sign for
This should be the highest level you want to authorize, for example, your district or an individual school.

If you sign at the district level, the terms apply to all schools within that district. If you sign at the individual school level, it only applies to that school, and separate terms will need to be signed for additional schools.

Once you select an org, please confirm that you are authorized to sign the terms for this organization.

Claim Org.png


Confirm & Sign
If you’re authorized to sign, select “yes” to view the terms. Read through the document fully and then sign.

If you are not authorized to sign, please select “no.” You will be directed to enter the email of someone who is. The person whose email you enter will receive the link and go through the same org selection and terms signing process. 

A Merlyn Mind Customer Terms must be signed prior to installation.

Confirm & Sign.png

Adding our allow list to your network

Two tasks must happen before Merlyn can successfully operate within your network infrastructure:

Task One: School network allow list 

Please request that your Network Administrator implement the Merlyn Allow list to allow access to these Merlyn-provided cloud services for any devices Merlyn is used with.

Task Two: Email allow list

Ask your email administrator to allow emails from "" to ensure prompt receipt of teacher training materials and other important announcements from Merlyn Mind.

Accessing the Management Portal


Go to
Management Console


Claim the Organization
Search for your organization, select it from the dropdown, and click “claim”. You can also choose to register the highest-level organization and/or individual schools. This is for your own organizational purposes. Note that once you claim an organization, no one else can claim it. When finished, click “next” on the organization's page to move on to the next step.


15_Claim Your Organization.png


Add Admins
You can add up to 19 additional admins who can manage the devices and users for the organizations. Enter the emails of the users you would like to add. When finished, click “next” to move on to the next step.

Activate License Keys

The person designated as license key recipient during the sales process will be sent an email with the license keys. If you are unsure who this person is in your organization, please ask your director of technology or submit a support request

Select the organization from the dropdown to assign license keys. License keys may be split between organizations. If you do not assign all available license keys, they will become active, but will not be assigned to an organization until you do so.

6_Activate license keys.png

Physical Installation of USB Receiver

Merlyn Display USB Cable

What's in the Box


Lanyard comes unattached

12_Merlyn Display Remote 03.jpg


USB Cable 8_USB Cable.png


USB Receiver
Attach the
USB cover
to your lanyard

10_USB Receiver Attached.png


Quick Start Guide

11_Quick Start Guide.png


2 AA Batteries 9_AA Batteries.png


Safety Certifications

13_Safety Certifications.png

Connect the Merlyn USB Receiver


Connect the USB Receiver
to the USB Cable.

2d_USB Cable.png


Connect the USB Receiver to the Android USB 3.0 port on the rear of the panel. 2c_Back Ports.png


Leave the cable hanging down free of any tape, zip ties, or other restrictions.  2e_USB Cable Screen.png

Merlyn Display Whip Antenna

What's in the Box


Lanyard comes unattached
12_Merlyn Display Remote 03.jpg


USB Receiver
Whip Antenna


Quick Start Guide

11_Quick Start Guide.png


2 AA Batteries

9_AA Batteries.png


Safety Certifications

13_Safety Certifications.png

Connect the Merlyn USB Receiver


Straighten the whip antenna.

2a_Whip Antenna.png


Connect the USB Receiver to the Android USB 3.0 port on the rear of the panel. 2c_Back Ports.png


Make sure that the antenna is pointing down and there is a clear line of sight from the antenna to the remote.  2b_Whip Antenna Screen.png

QR Code Sticker

Scan the code using the camera app on your phone to access support site materials. 

1b_QR Code Sticker.png

The QR code sticker will guide users to either this installation guide or the Get-Started Guide for teachers.

Prepare the Remote

Remove the QR code sticker from the front of the remote, keeping the one on the back for easy reference.
3a_QR Code on Back.png

Next, turn the remote over, slide the back down and off, then remove the battery tab from the remote. Replace the battery cover. 

2_Remote Batteries.png

Remote Batteries
Before using the remote control, load the batteries. If you have been using the remote for a while, the batteries may need to be replaced. 

Update your panel firmware and software

Before installing the Merlyn display software, please update your panel to the latest firmware and software. This will ensure the highest level of compatibility. The update process will be slightly different depending on the model of panel you are using, although it will likely involved accessing the System settings menu. 

Download Merlyn Display Software

The Merlyn Display software can be downloaded from the App store on your panel. Depending on access settings, your display may require administrator approval to download the software. 

4_Display Desktop App.png

If the Merlyn application or App Store is unavailable on your panel, you may be able to manually install using the steps shown here: Manual App Install 

Register the display

5_Register Display.png

After downloading the software, the Merlyn Display app will present you with a QR code to register in the Management Console. This is required to enable the software on the display. Using the native Camera application on your phone, scan the code, then follow the onscreen guide to register the panel. Google does not allow the use of a third-party QR code scanner for registering your panel. 


Additional Features

To unlock Teacher Toolkit capabilities, you may be prompted to log into the Merlyn application on your display panel using an alphanumeric code:

Display Code Screen.png

1. Copy the 6-character code shown on your panel and head to

2. Click on Add Device in the upper right hand corner:

Teacher Toolkit Display.png

3. Enter the code shown in the app and click Login in the lower right to save:

Display Enter Code.png

Now, the teacher is ready to teach with Merlyn! Head over to the Get-Started Guide for teachers. 

If you have questions, please check the FAQs or send us a support request.

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